When talking to infants, talk to them in ‘motherese’ which is the way we talk in a high pitched voice to a baby. This seems to come naturally to people when talking to young infants (and dogs at times!). Children at this age are only able to hear the high pitched tones in the human voice and thus effective if you want to interact verbally with your child.

Touch/ caress your child as you talk to them. Naming body parts as to make them aware of what the name of the body part is they are feeling a sensation for. This helps in their awareness as they are very sensorial learners at this stage.

This is best achieved in simple nursery rhymes or songs that involve body parts – such as “head shoulders knees and toes.” touching each body part corresponding to the words of the song.  If you do not know any rhymes, singing to them simple songs or even your favorite song is also helpful.

Even reading to them in a sing song voice as they relax with you is enjoyable and comforting to the child. Remember in utero they are used to hearing both the mother and the father’s voice and is a good reference point. Not too loudly though and in a soothing tone.

Children will make noises and even try to hear themselves after six months of age. It is here then that one can do the dance of communication. It is great to spend one on one time with your baby at this stage. Put them on your lap to have that holding/caressing interaction with your baby.

You can also lay them on your lap- as the baby may not be that long/ large yet and will still fit on your lap when you sit on a chair or maybe you can stretch your legs on the floor.  Look into their eyes and talk to them about your day or things that are seen around. Explain to them the way of the world if you choose to. If they respond, in their babbles you can also mimic their babbles and they will be amused by hearing it parroted back to them. When this is done do not forget to leave silences in between such as heard in adult conversations. This is modeling to them how conversations work with people taking turns talking and listening.

It is important to talk to them even though you may not get a response, they are listening and learning. Simply talking to them about what is going on around them at this early stage is important for later learning. It is easy to not to speak to them since they seem unresponsive but the more you talk to them the more they become familiar with the sounds and will respond to your voice and being spoken to.

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